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數位單眼相機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 數位單眼相機 ( D igital S ingle L ens R eflex Camera,簡稱 DSLR ),簡稱 數位單眼 ,是一種以數位方式記錄成像的 照相機 。屬於 數位靜態相機 (Digital Still Camera,DSC)與 單眼相機 (SLR)的交集。 數位單眼相機列表 攝影 照相機 單眼相機 數位攝影 4/3系統 與 ...
Sony DSLR Club - Sony Store - Sony 官方購物網站 最新商品訊息 α57 為速度 留下精采 即使在不易拍攝的環境下,全新 α57 數位單眼相機都能帶給您更快的對焦速度、更高的感光度及更多先進功能... NEX-F3 口袋裡的專業單眼 全新 Sony NEX-F3 讓你為生活點滴留下最美好的回憶。
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Digital single-lens reflex camera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A digital single-lens reflex camera (also called a digital SLR or DSLR) is a digital camera combining the optics and the mechanisms of a single-lens reflex camera with a digital imaging sensor, as opposed to photographic ...
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標籤: DSLR | DIGIPHOTO-用鏡頭享受生命 入門攝影玩家即將有全新選擇, Nikon 今日(1月7日)正式公開 D3300 入門級 DSLR 相機,採用2416萬有效畫素的 APS-C 感光元件,移除 OLPF 低通濾鏡,提升畫... 0 回應 閱讀全文 » Nikon 發表 新鏡 AF-S 35mm f/1.8G ED ,預告 D4s 登場在即 ...
Digital camera buying guide - CNET Reviews The most important things to know when shopping for a camera. ... How much zoom? A longer focal length lens lets you get closer without moving; for example, at 250mm you can see the observation deck of the Empire State Building, while at 1,000mm you can .
Digital SLR Cameras - DSLR Cameras - RICOH Cameras Step up to a PENTAX DSLR camera that is both easy to use and masterfully designed with all the features and performance any photo enthusiast could want to take their photography to the next level. Whether you're a novice or an expert, there's a PENTAX New
Find a Digital SLR Camera in 4 Easy Steps Find the best digital SLR camera, lenses and accessories with help from the Digital SLR Guide. ... This is no easy task, and it's sure not made any easier by the fact that most web sites seem to expect you to be a photographic expert!